eeprivacy ========= Operations ---------- An `Operation` encapsulates the full workflow of common analytics tasks: running statistics (like means, histograms, and quantiles), reporting on accuracy, and supporting analysis of privacy/accuracy tradeoffs. .. automodule:: eeprivacy.operations :members: Mechanisms ---------- `Mechanisms` are differential privacy primitives. The raw implementations should be used with care by non-experts. A Note on Confidence Intervals ############################## The confidence intervals returned by `Mechanism` classes are two-sided. For example, in the algorithm design helper function `epsilon_for_confidence_interval` the ε value returned for the Laplace Mechanism at the default `confidence` = 0.95 and `target_ci` = 5, the distribution of outputs for the returned ε would be the following:: 2.5% │ █ │ 2.5% ◀──────│ █ │──────▶ │ █ │ │ ███ │ │ ███ │ │ ███ │ │ ███ │ │ ███ │ │ █████ │ │ ███████ │ │ █████████ │ │█████████████│ ███│█████████████│███ ─────┼──────┬──────┼──── │ │ │ True -5 Count 5 .. automodule:: eeprivacy.mechanisms :members: